About the Theme

This responsive grid theme is best suited for photography websites and image-centric online portfolios. Photos are arranged in a minimalistic grid layout to make the images stand out. Atlas is a responsive theme, which brings life to your pictures even on mobile devices. This theme includes powerful features such as infinite scrolling, Lightbox display, customizable menus and colors, and a filterable grid portfolio. It also comes with a theme customizer to give you full control of your site logo, page templates, and much more.

This Theme Is Great For:

  • Photographers
  • Portfolios
  • Artists

  • Videos
  • Designers
  • Galleries

Like this theme? Let us customize it to make it fit for YOU.

Our Standard Features


WordPress is one of the most flexible, powerful, and easy to use platform in the world.


It is imperative your site is mobile-friendly. We will make sure your site will look great on all devices.


We’ll integrate your logo and customize the accent color of your website.

SEO Ready

All of our web design packages are SEO ready. It’s no wonder Google loves WordPress.


We will provide you with exclusive video tutorials on how to use WordPress right in your dashboard.


We will take care of all the dirty work for you so you can have more time to do what you love to do.

Choose this theme now

For more details on the different options, see our pricing page. This theme is only available our for Premium Packages.